AGM and Day of Mindfulness

The Wild Rose Sangha will be hosting our annual AGM and Day of Mindfulness.

WHEN: Saturday, February 15, 2020

WHERE: Parkdale United Church

Tentative Schedule : (TBC)

9:30am Welcome and Sitting Meditation

9:45-12:30pm AGM

12:30-1:30pm Shared Pot Luck Lunch

1:30pm Afternoon of Mindfulness

4:00pm Wrap Up and Clean Up

New Years Eve Celebration

The Wild Rose Sangha and Calgary Soto Zen are hosting a New Years Eve gathering.

When: December 31 2019 7pm – 10pm

Where: Panabaker hall (the main sanctuary) Unitarian Church .  

7-8pm: Sitting, walking and service led by Calgary Soto Zen
8pm-9pm: Sitting, walking and chanting/touching the earth led by Wild Rose Sangha
9pm- 10pm: 51 mental formations charades with potluck snacks