Our Teachers

Thich Nhat HanhThich Nhat Hanh, October 11, 1926 – January 22, 2022 was one of the most beloved and respected spiritual teachers of our time.  A Buddhist teacher, author, poet, peacemaker, human rights activist, environmentalist, and community leader, Thich Nhat Hanh (or Thây, as he was known by his students), led an extraordinary life.  

We have been gifted with the opportunity of having senior Dharma teachers from the Plum Village tradition visit us regularly.  With gratitude, we honour the gifts they have brought us by continuing the practice in our sangha.
Mountain Lamp Zendo

Teachers who have led retreats in our community include:

Alexa Singer-Telles: 

Alexa began practicing in the tradition of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in 1991, and co-founded River Oak Sangha in Redding, CA that same year. In 2004 she was ordained into the core community of Plum Village, the Order of Interbeing.  Alexa received Lamp Transmission (dharma teacher authorization) in 2014, from the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh in Plum Village.  Alexa is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and an expressive artist. Her joy is to bring the beauty of spirit into form.  Her retreats and days of mindfulness encourage your creativity by including ceremony, poetry, creative writing, movement, and art.  She has led retreats from California to Canada.  Her new sangha, MotherRoot, offers days of mindfulness online on a somewhat regular basis.  

Chan Huy: A Senior Dharma Teacher in Plum Village tradition since 1994, Chan Huy has been teaching, giving talks and leading mindfulness retreats all over America. We enjoy his mindful kind smile.  http://wwwmindfulcoachingclinic.com/about.html

Eileen Kiera: A Senior Dharma Teacher in the Plum Village tradition since 1990, she lives and teaches at the rural practice center of Mountain Lamp Community.  Her dedication to awakening and mindfulness guide our thoughtful appreciation of the practice. http://mountainlamp.org

Peggy Rowe Ward: A senior Dharma Teacher in the Plum Village tradition since 2000 who lives and teaches in Washington.  Her teachings on loving-kindness and equanimity help us to create balance in our practice.  http://www.thelotusinstitute.org/p/about.html