Call to Action: People’s Climate Prayer

The international Plum Village Community is coming together to support the upcoming Paris Climate Summit (COP21).

Please see the invitation for Climate Action from Plum Village for a list of suggested actions. Most of these actions are suggested for between November 30 and Dec 11.

One of the five actions is to participate in a Climate Change March this Sunday, Nov 29. The link for the Global Climate March in Calgary is here.

Mountain Lamp Upcoming Events

Here are some upcoming events at Mountain Lamp (rural practice center located in Northern Washington):

  • October 16-18: Zazenkai at Mountain Lamp
  • November 7 Community gathering to recite the 14 Mindfulness Trainings at 5pm followed by potluck supper.
  • December 12: Day of Quiet Practice from 10am-5pm will include dharma talk by Eileen, personal interviews, walking, sitting and working practice (potluck lunch)

Harvest Retreat Sept 2015 at Mountain Lamp

Mountain Lamp will be hosting a Plum Village style “Harvest” retreat in mid September, co-led by Eileen Kiera and Kaira Jewel (formerly Sister Jewel).  This will be a pretty special retreat with Eileen and Kaira both contributing their wisdom and practice.  There should also be very good food from the late summer organic garden at Mountain Lamp!

The Sangha will be looking into a letter that Thây wrote to his students last fall, shortly before his stroke and will be exploring the 3 Bodies of the Buddha, the 5 Skandhas, Bodhicitta and the importance of intelligent practice.

Read More about the Harvest Retreat 2015.

Day of Mindfulness, June 27

Wild Rose Sangha will be holding a day of mindfulness with the practice theme of Transformation and Healing. Opportunities for silent meditation, dharma talk, mindful eating, mindful discussion, listening to bells and chanting. 

Enjoy these deep healing practices with friends. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015 9:30 am – 9:00 pm
Rosemont Community Center, 2807 – 10 Street NW

Morning session 9:30 – Noon
Lunch noon-1pm
Afternoon session 1pm- 5:30pm
Dinner 6pm- 7pm
Evening Session 7pm-9pm

All are welcome to attend. Please plan to attend the full day. Partial attendance is ok.

Potluck lunch, please bring a vegetarian or vegan dish to share. To reduce the use of disposable dishes, please bring your own cup, plate or bowl and cutlery for eating. Dinner will be provided. 

$20 suggested donation for the day or give what you can afford.

To register please sign up on Facebook or e-mail: