Last night (Monday, July 22) we started reading together the book ‘Joyfully Together’ by Thich Nhat Hanh. We plan on reading and learning from this book during Dharma discussions for a while. If you would like to learn more, here is a link to the book on
Wake Up Retreat at Mountain Lamp
The Mountain Lamp Community located in Washington state is holding a retreat for young adults (18-35) from June 26-30. See the flyer for more information. Click here to register.
Location Change for May 27
Dear Friends
Please note that this Monday’s Sangha will not be held at the Unitarian Church on Monday 27th May. Unfortunately the Unitarian Church has need of the whole building and therefore we will be unable to meet there.
Fortunately our friends at Calgary Buddhist Jodo Shinshu Temple have kindly permitted us to hold our Sangha night at their beautiful Church:
We would request that you arrive in good time, c.7pm for formal practice at the usual 7:30pm. Although there will be no 6:30 Soup, there may be interest in an informal light meal at a restaurant in the vicinity, with further email details to follow in confirmation
We again give great thanks our friends at Calgary Buddhist Jodo Shinshu Temple
Many thanks for your continued commitments to practice for the benefit of all
Towards A Strategic Plan
The following link is to a PDF document prepared by Tasha from our Sangha Building weekend in December, 2012:
Strategic Planning for Wild Rose Sangha
One of the results of our weekend was deciding on a beautiful mission statement for the Wild Rose Sangha:
A community cultivating compassion, awakening, and joy, practicing the mindfulness teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh.