Day of Mindfulness Saturday November 12th 2022
What is it that keeps you going when things get tough? The wisdom of the Buddha’s teachings combined with faith in ourselves and our practice can provide solid ground to lean into when facing personal and universal challenges and obstacles. Since one of our spiritual strengths is being part of a sangha community, participating in a day of mindfulness can bring solidity and joy to our practice.
Please join us for an online Day of Mindfulness with Dharma teacher Alexa Singer-Telles. The day will involve sitting, walking, a talk, creative writing, mindful lunch, and a dharma sharing.
When: Saturday November 12th, 2022, 9am-3pm MST
Where: Zoom
Cost: Suggested Dana $30 CDN (Sliding scale, pay what you can). You can donate here
If you would prefer to pay via etransfer there is information on the registration form about how to do that.
About Alexa

Alexa began practicing in the tradition of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in 1991, and co-founded River Oak Sangha in Redding, CA that same year. In 2004 she was ordained into the core community of Plum Village, the Order of Interbeing. Alexa received Lamp Transmission (dharma teacher authorization) in 2014, from the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh in Plum Village.
Alexa is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and an expressive artist. Her joy is to bring the beauty of spirit into form. Her retreats and days of mindfulness encourage your creativity by including ceremony, poetry, creative writing, movement, and art. She has led retreats from California to Canada. Her new sangha, MotherRoot, offers days of mindfulness online on a somewhat regular basis.