Day of Mindfulness, Oct 3

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Saturday October 3rd 2015

The Wild Rose Sangha is holding a day of mindfulness in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh with the practice theme of Joyfully Together: Healing Our Isolation. Enjoy this opportunity for silent meditation, dharma talk, mindful eating, mindful discussion, listening to bells and outdoor walking. No previous meditation experience necessary. All are welcome.

Rosemont Community Center, 2807 – 10 Street NW
Morning session 9:30 – 12:30pm
Lunch 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Afternoon session 1:30pm – 5:00pm
Dinner 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Evening Session 6:30pm – 9pm

Suggested Donation: $20

You are welcome to attend any or all of the sessions. Those who plan to attend only one or two sessions are asked to please arrive at the beginning of each session and to attend the entire session. Lunch is a Potluck, please bring a vegetarian or vegan dish to share. To reduce the use of disposable dishes, please bring your own cup, plate or bowl and cutlery for eating. Dinner will be provided.

To register e-mail:


Retreat at Mountain Lamp – June 2015

Descent into the Lanka (June 1 – 21) Three-Week Retreat with Eileen Kiera and Jack Duffy, with Red Pine joining us June 15-17. Click here for more information, and click here to download the registration form for all or portions of the retreat. Minimum stay is one week – see registration form.

Upcoming Retreats March-June 2015

Calgary Soto Zen

Hosting a retreat with Norman Fischer on Friday March 13th to Sunday March 15th 2015, at the FCJ Centre. Registration form.

Mountain Lamp Retreats

March 28-April 4: Branching Moon Sesshin, with Jack Duffy, hosted by Three Treasures Sangha. Registration Form.
April 11-18:
The Eight Realizations of Great Beings, with Eileen Kiera. More Information.
May 31:
Buddha’s Birthday Family Event
June 1-21:
Three-Week Retreat with Eileen Kiera and Jack Duffy, Red Pine joining us for one weekend TBA