Please join us next Saturday August 24 at Confederation Park for a Mindful Picnic, walk and tea party. Everyone is welcome. Feel free to bring friends. All activities will be held outside unless it rains. If it rains we will have most of the activities indoors at the Rosemount Community Association 2807 10 St NW. This is also where we will meet to start our mindful outdoor walking. See schedule below. Please bring: a vegetarian potluck item to share, cutlery, plate and cup (we will also have paper ones), an umbrella or raincoat (if it rains as we’ll do the walk outside), a blanket or sheet to lie down on for total relaxation. If you prefer you can also bring a folding chair if you like to sit on a chair.In addition, for the tea party, please bring a poem, a song, a story, a skit, a short quote, or an object that inspires, represents or has meaning to your mindfulness practice. We’ll be sharing together during our tea party. If you come and forget any of these things, don’t worry at all. You are most welcome to join as it fits for you.
Mindful Picnic, Walk and Tea Party
11am Outdoor Walking (meet at 2807 10street NW in Confederation park)
12pm Picnic
1pm Total Relaxation
1:30pm Tea Party
3pm Clean up and pack up