Day of Mindfulness Saturday Nov 11th 2023

dirt road cover by dried leaves

This year the Wildrose Sangha is celebrating its 20th Anniversary! We would like to invite you to celebrate with us by attending our Day of Mindfulness one-day retreat in Calgary.

The Day of Mindfulness retreat will take place on Saturday, November 11 from 9:15 am until 2:45 pm, at the Rosemont Community Association, located at 2807 10 St NW.

Following the retreat there will be an optional outdoor walking meditation, leaving from the Rosemont Community Association, through confederation park (depending on the weather) from 2:45 pm – 3:45 pm.

A full schedule for the retreat will be sent closer to the retreat date, along with information on what to expect, what to bring, and what to wear during the retreat.

The cost for the retreat is $35, which covers the cost of the Dharma Teacher(s), hall rental, and morning break.

There will be a potluck lunch, and we ask that you bring a light vegan or vegetarian potluck item to share. There is a refrigerator, stove top, microwave at the hall but there will be no other cooking supplies available. Plates, cups, and cutlery will be provided along with a selection of herbal, caffeine free teas and water.   Please bring serving dishes, spoons etc for each of your potluck items.

If you would like to register for the Day of Mindfulness Retreat, please email Jason Kingsley ( with your name, phone number, email address, and which payment method you will be using. Payment can be provided by the following methods:

  1. Via e-transfer to
  2. Through the Wildrose Sangha website at
  3. With cash in person at a Wednesday evening Sangha practice 

Mountain Retreat May 26th-28th 2023

Join us in the heart of the Rocky Mountains to be embraced by the freshness of spring unfolding & nourished by the practices of mindful meditation. Our retreat will be spacious, with times of sitting & walking; silence & connection, creative play & the opportunity to slow down to deepen our awareness of the preciousness of each moment. We will explore the seven factors of awakening – mindfulness, investigation, energy, joy, tranquility, concentration & equanimity. We will come fresh to the mindful practice of meeting each moment in an open & curious way to awaken to the wonders & beauty of life & the joy of coming together once again in person.

About Alexa

Alexa has been practicing in the Plum Village tradition of Vietnamese Zen Buddhism for more than thirty years. She received Lamp Transmission to be a Dharma Teacher from Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh in 2014. Alexa is a Marriage & Family Therapist, an expressive artist & a lover of poetry. Her teachings support deepening practice by focusing on body awareness, encouraging creativity & watering seeds of joy.

To Register

Registration is $290 for the retreat. This fee covers shared, dorm-style, accomodation at the nordic centre and all vegetarian food. The Retreat will begin Friday afternoon and end Sunday by 12pm.

Please note registration is now full to join the waitlist please fill out this form and we will finalize registration by the end of April:

Schedule (To be Confirmed)


5:00pm Registration

5:30-6:30pm Dinner

7:00pm  Orientation to meditation and practices for the weekend

7:50 – 8:15pm  Guided Meditation

8:15 – 8:25pm   Stretching

8:25 -8:45pm  Deep meditation/Dedication of Merit


6:00am  Wake up

6:30am   Sitting Meditation

8:30am   Breakfast

9:30am   Guided meditation

10:00am  Dharma Talk

11-11:30am  Creative Practice

11: 30am  Outdoor Walking

12:30pm Lunch

1:30-3:00pm Personal Time

3:30 – 4:45pm  Dharma Discussion

5:00-6:00pm  Dinner

7:00 – 8:30pm  Sitting Meditation and MTT Ceremony    


6:00am   Wake Up

6:30 – 8:00am Meditation

8:15am Breakfast

9:00am   Cleanup

10:00am Closing

 10:30am-1:00pm   Optional hike and picnic lunch in Canmore

Brother Phap Hai Talk on January 18th 2023

The Wild Rose Sangha is delighted to announce that Brother Phap Hai (Dharma Ocean), senior monastic disciple of Thich Nhat Hanh will be visiting our community online on January 18th at 5:30pm Mountain time. Author of the Book, The Eight Realizations of Great Beings, Br. Phap Hai will share wisdom from his writing which explores the sutra: The Eight Realizations of Great Beings. This profound Buddhist sutra illuminates how we can touch the deeper truths of life and learn to relieve our own suffering.

All beings are welcome to attend.

Registration is now closed.

About Brother Phap Hai

Originally from Australia, Brother Phap Hai is a senior student of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. Prior to becoming a monk, he trained as a chef. Brother Phap Hai is known for his ability to convey complex teachings in an accessible and humorous manner and leads retreats and workshops throughout the United States, Canada, South America, Australia, and Asia. He currently resides at Deer Park Monastery, in California, where he breathes, walks, and smiles on a regular basis.

About The Eight Realizations of Great Beings

Claim Your Spiritual Strength: Holding Steady in the Winds of Change

gray flowers

Day of Mindfulness Saturday November 12th 2022

What is it that keeps you going when things get tough?  The wisdom of the Buddha’s teachings combined with faith in ourselves and our practice can provide solid ground to lean into when facing personal and universal challenges and obstacles.  Since one of our spiritual strengths is being part of a sangha community, participating in a day of mindfulness can bring solidity and joy to our practice.

Please join us for an online Day of Mindfulness with Dharma teacher Alexa Singer-Telles. The day will involve sitting, walking, a talk, creative writing, mindful lunch, and a dharma sharing.

When: Saturday November 12th, 2022, 9am-3pm MST

Where: Zoom


Cost: Suggested Dana $30 CDN (Sliding scale, pay what you can). You can donate here

If you would prefer to pay via etransfer there is information on the registration form about how to do that.

About Alexa

Alexa began practicing in the tradition of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in 1991, and co-founded River Oak Sangha in Redding, CA that same year. In 2004 she was ordained into the core community of Plum Village, the Order of Interbeing.  Alexa received Lamp Transmission (dharma teacher authorization) in 2014, from the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh in Plum Village. 

Alexa is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and an expressive artist. Her joy is to bring the beauty of spirit into form.  Her retreats and days of mindfulness encourage your creativity by including ceremony, poetry, creative writing, movement, and art.  She has led retreats from California to Canada.  Her new sangha, MotherRoot, offers days of mindfulness online on a somewhat regular basis.  

Anchored in Awareness article by Alexa Singer-Telles.