Fall Practice Period 2011 & Fall 2011 “Mountain Breeze” Newsletter

Mountain Lamp ZendoComing soon…  The WIld Rose Sangha will be following the Fall Practice Period 2011 by Eileen Kiera (of Mountain Lamp Community).  Stay tuned for more details as they unfold.  The book that we will be studying is: “For a Future to Be Possible: Buddhist Ethics for Everyday Life, Thich Nhat Hanh“.

“This autumn, Eileen Kiera will offer a community practice period on the Dharma practices of generosity, kindness, cooperation and responsibility. We find these qualities expressed in newest version of the Five Mindfulness Trainings, and during the practice period, we will take up them up to reflect on them in our daily life, and within the life of our community, and the world. Dharma talks will be available on the Mountain Lamp web-site: www.mountainlamp.org, and a guide for study, practice and discussion is available by emailing Mountain Lamp at ml-info@mountainlamp.org

We invite local and distant Sanghas to join us for six weeks beginning with a Day of Mindfulness on September 18th, and ending with a non- residential retreat from October 28th – 30th at Dharma Gate (formerly the Seattle Practice Center). Dharma talks will be given on September 19th, October 4th, 17th, and 31st as well as during the Day of Mindfulness and non-residential retreat.

This practice period is offered to support you in practice, and dana is gratefully accepted as an expression of your gratitude. ”  — Mountain Breeze News letter, Fall 2011

Mindful Walk / Picnic / Mindfulness Day, 21 August 2011

Six friends met at Mallard Point, Fish Creek Park, led by Tracey and practiced walking meditation along the river-paths, mindful eating picnic, learned a new song and sang an old favourite.

Afterwards, we joined up with four more friends from the Sangha at Ken’s home and practiced sitting meditation, walking meditation, full relaxation, guided meditation and dharma discussion.  We were lucky to have Tracey in town to lead us.  The day was Peaceful, Relaxing and full of Joy.  Some people stayed afterwards for a swim in the pool – it was a hot day!

The next Day of Mindfulness is 24 September 2011.

Thich Nhat Hanh Retreat in Vancouver

Thich Nhat Hanh

You are warmly invited to join Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and the fourfold sangha of Monks, Nuns, Laymen, and Laywomen for a special residential retreat at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.  When we take time to slow down, breathe, and smile we can become truly present for ourselves, for our beloved ones and for our environment.  We see the smiles of our children, know the wonder of being alive and understand how deeply we are connected to one another.  Out of this awareness our true heart of understanding and love awakens.  During this five-day retreat, we will practice together as a community, as a spiritual family, learning to lovingly embrace our sorrows and fears with the art of mindful living and bring about healing and transformation.

Date: August 8 – 13, 2011
Location: UBC, Vancouver, BC

For more information and to register see:

February 2011 Mindfulness Day

Mindfulness Day, February 2011In February 2011, 5 people participated in a Day of Mindfulness.  It was a wonderful day that included: sitting meditation, walking meditation, Touching the Earth Practice, guided meditation, and a nice pot-luck afterward.  As seen in the photo, the walking meditation was delightful.  Cold and sunny – it wasn’t clear to us who had more freedom, the dogs running off leash or us!