Spacious as the Clear Blue Sky

Relaxing into Boundless Freedom

Photo: Tracey Pickup

Fall Meditation Retreat

Save the Date: November 12th-14th 2021

The Wild Rose Sangha will be holding our annual Fall Meditation Retreat online November 12th-14th 2021. All are welcome to join. Please check back to the website in the upcoming weeks for more details and registration information.

“As I see it, there isn’t so much to do.  Just be ordinary—put on our robes, eat your food, and pass the time doing nothing.”  Master Linji

Healing our Suffering: Day of Mindfulness

Photo by Johannes Plenio on
The seed of suffering in you may be strong, but don't wait until you have no more suffering before allowing yourself to be happy --Thich Nhat Hanh

When: May 22nd 2021

Time: 9 am – 12pm

Where: Online

We welcome you to join together for a Day of Mindfulness. As usual, the day will happen on zoom on our regular channel. If you are not a regular Sangha Member but would like to join please first join our list serve here.

There will be time for sitting meditation, walking meditation, guided relaxation, and a talk from Thay on Healing. We will also write about and share together our experiences with healing practices.Resting gently together with the Sangha can be very nourishing. It brings benefits to our hearts and minds and to all living beings.Looking forward to seeing the Sangha come together.

Wishing you all health and well being,

Next Half Day of Mindfulness

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Finding Safety Within – A Building Block for Racial Justice

Nun rings the bell in Plum Village France -photo D.Keller

Days of Mindfulness are a time for practicing as a community in the Plum Village tradition. The Sangha family comes together to listen to dharma talks, share, practice meditation and mindful eating.  We come together as a community on zoom in noble silence to deepen our practice and our connection with one another. The upcoming Half Day of Mindfulness will explore Finding Safety Within – A Building Block for Racial Justice.

When:  Saturday February 20, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Suggested Donation Sliding Scale:  $0 – $40

Dana from this Day of Mindfulness will be shared with the Plum Village Foundation.

Please make your donation here

How to Join our Day of Mindfulness: If you want to attend the Day of Mindfulness, but are not yet a member of Wildrose Sangha sign up for our list serve at

Half Day of Mindfulness Schedule

8:45 – open the room

9:00 – 9:20  Welcome and Introductions 

9:20 – 9:50 25’ Sitting Meditation

9:50 – 10:20 Recorded Dharma talk: Larry Ward, Response to Insurrection

10:20 – 10:30  Movement

10:30 – 10:40   Walking Meditation

10:40 – 10:50 Break

10:50 – 10:55 Bridge the Dharma talks

10:55 – 11:25  Thay’s Dharma talk, Nourishing Our Joy & Happiness

11:25 – 11:45  Dharma Sharing

11:45 – 12:15  Guided Meditation

12:15 – 12:30 Dharma Sharing

12:30 – 12:35 ARISE Gatha

12:35 – 12:45 Singing

12:45  Dedication of Merit

FAQ Questions about the online retreat

Here is some more information about the Wild Rose Sangha’s Fall Retreat. We hope to see you there!

How much time do I need to follow this retreat?

This is a weekend retreat, Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. Ideally, it is best if you can clear your days from other commitments so you can fully participate and savour the peaceful energy of the retreat, even when you are not following a scheduled session.

What do I need to join this retreat? Do I need to install anything? Do I need any special equipment?

This retreat will be delivered to you through the Zoom app. When following the live events and Dharma Sharing (the smaller breakout groups), you will need to install the Zoom software and you will need a webcam on your computer or tablet, so people can see you (just as you will see others). It is also preferable to have headphones, ideally with a microphone.

If I can’t join one of the sessions, can I still follow the other sessions?

We encourage you to attend as much of the retreat as possible to get the greatest benefit from the practice. To support the collective shared experience, it is not possible to join the Dharma Sharing if you have not attended the Dharma Talk.

If I can’t join a session live, can I watch it later?

Unfortunately, we are not going to be recording and sharing the sessions online.

I don’t have a very stable internet connection. Can I still join the retreat?

It depends how unstable. Your viewing quality is similar to watching something on YouTube. So if that is a pleasant enough experience, then yes you can join this retreat. But for Dharma Sharing others might find it difficult to hear you. You can ask permission to turn off your camera, so others can hear you better.

Can I join the retreat from my phone?

Yes, when you register you will receive an email with instructions and telephone numbers to join us via Zoom. You will only be able to follow the live sessions; it is not possible to join Dharma Sharing sessions from a phone.

Do I have to open my camera, or can I join just audio?

Yes you can join only via audio, you do not have to start your camera, you can also choose only to watch via our platform. Only when you join the Dharma Sharing session, everybody is asked to start their camera to create a safe environment.

Will I be able to save and keep the recordings after the retreat?

We will not be recording the sessions.

What do I need to prepare before joining this retreat?

Please organize your time and commitments, so you have space from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon MST to fully participate in the retreat. You’re invited to prepare a room or corner in your home where you can be online, undisturbed. It is important that you are not interrupted during the various sessions, so you may like to communicate with loved ones, or other people you live with, to ask for their support in this. If you are participating in the Dharma Sharing groups, it will be important for you to log on from a private space where you can share without others hearing you.

If I have a question about the teachings given during the retreat, where / when can I ask it?

The Dharma Sharing break-out groups are the ideal time to ask questions from the heart about the teachings you have heard and practices we are following together. You can also write a question in the comments below the video of a particular talk. Our Dharma Teacher, Alexa Singer-Telles, will do her best to address questions that have arisen during the retreat.

Will I be able to interact with the Dharma Teacher directly? E.g. Can I ask a question and get an answer?

The Dharma Sharing break-out groups offer a rare opportunity to join a circle facilitated by a member of the sangha. If you are interested in connecting with the Dharma Teacher, we strongly encourage you to make the commitment to join the Dharma Sharing sessions. Our teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, taught us that Dharma Sharing break-out groups are the most powerful way to learn and grow in our mindfulness practice. Please note that these sessions are not direct question-and-answer sessions, but a group where questions are addressed collectively.

I live with other people. Can I still join the retreat?

Yes, you do not need to be in a hut on a mountain to enjoy this retreat. So long as you have a quiet corner or room where you can be undisturbed, and perhaps have space to stretch and do the mindful movements, you will be able to enjoy the retreat fully. You may need headphones, and if you are joining Dharma Sharing, somewhere in the house where you can speak without being heard by others. You can explain to those you live with your intention in joining the retreat and ask for their support. The idea is not to cut yourself off from them, but to generate a strong energy of mindfulness, peace and presence, during the sessions, that you can bring to your in-person interactions off-screen over the course of the weekend. You will be able to apply many of the teachings on deep listening, mindful eating and so on, right away!

Is this retreat appropriate for all ages? Can children or teenagers join?

This retreat is designed as an adult learning experience, but anyone is welcome to join the meditations, talks, movement and relaxations. Please note that in the Dharma Sharing breakout groups themes may spontaneously arise that are not appropriate for teenagers or children, and so it is not possible to register participants under 18 for the Dharma Sharing groups.

I haven’t done a retreat before. Will I be able to follow this one?

This retreat is accessible to those new to the practice and will be a refreshing and deepening experience for those who have been practicing mindfulness for some time. It is a precious chance to connect directly with our spiritual community, and to meet like-minded people.

I’m not in the Americas. Can I join from a different time zone? Will I miss anything?

Please see the schedule and convert the times into your time-zone. If you are in a later time-zone, you may still be able to follow the morning meditations, exercise, relaxations, and Dharma sharing (and simply miss the evening session). We have designed this retreat primarily for the Americas. This is still an experiment and we are open to learning, so please do send us your feedback.

What if more than one person in my household is joining the retreat?

Each person should register separately for the retreat, and we recommend that you use separate devices/computers for the Dharma Sharing break-out sessions so that each person can participate fully. You may like to enjoy watching the Dharma talks together as a family.

Is there a refund option if I need to cancel my registration?

We can offer a full refund within 30 days of your payment.

If I cannot afford the registration fee, can I apply for a scholarship?

We do not want the financial aspect to keep you from participating. If you want to attend this retreat and your budget does not allow for you to pay the registration fee at this moment, please let the registrar know in the above registration form that you would like to apply for a scholarship.

What is my registration fee paying for?

Your contribution will go towards supporting our Dharma Teacher and our investment in technical infrastructure to offer more teachings live, online, and to facilitate direct contact between sangha members. Without your support, we would be unable to sustain our community or offer the Dharma online.