Next Half Day of Mindfulness May 23rd 2020

Buddha in Sangha Member Andi’s Backyard

Days of Mindfulness are a time for practicing mindfulness, in the Plum Village style, as a community. Sangha friends come together to listen to a Dharma Talk (ie. a teaching), and to practice sitting meditation, walking meditation, mindful eating, smiling and breathing together.
We are very excited to announce that our Dharma Teacher for the day will be Alexa Singer-Telles from Redding, California. 

The theme for the day will be On Knowing the Better Way to Live Alone. To learn more about the sutra, go to:

When: Saturday, May 23 09:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Where: Online at the Wild Rose Sangha Zoom Platform


9:15-9:40 Welcome and Introductions.  Morning Sutra 

9:40-10:05 Guided Sitting Meditation

10:05 – 10:15 Walking Meditation

10:15- 10:40 Sitting Meditation and Heart Sutra

10:40 – 11:25 Dharma Talk

11:25 – 11:35 Writing Exercise 

11:35-11:50 Break 

11:50- 12:15 Dharma Discussion

12:15- 12:30 Opening Sutra, Heart Sutra, Formal Sharing of Joys, Dedication of Merit

12:30-1:00  Optional  online lunch and socializing

Suggested Donation: $20

To donate visit

How to Join our Day of Mindfulness : If you want to attend the Day of Mindfulness, but are not yet a member sign up for our list serve at

About Dharma Teacher Alexa Singer Telles: Alexa Singer-Telles, True Silent Action, co-founded the River Oak Sangha in Redding, California, in 1991 and was ordained as an OI member in 2004. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist, offering the practices of mindfulness and the expressive arts to deepen one’s experience and enliven the creative process. Anchored in Awareness article by Alexa Singer-Telles.